
take you on a cruise

hello all and welcome to the paper + wire blog (I still hate the word "blog" but whatever..)This is the part where I should talk about all the amazing stuff the staff-folk and I are going to bring you in the next few months, but instead I will leave you pictures of stupid kittens talking to you in ridiculous web-speech. Actually, I don't think I can muster the courage to do such a thing, so instead I will tell you what you are getting yourself in for by following this blog:
*Sneak peeks at some of the interviews with musicians, artists, photographers, designers, and fashion-forward folks present in the upcoming issue of the magazine
* DIY tutorials from the thunder chief collective (and other featured guest bloggers) for making your own awesome crafts,  home decor, and more!
* occasional bonus tracks from our spotlight musicians and seasonal mixed tapes/playlists for your listening pleasure

* guest bloggers from all walks of life that are here to make your world a better place (and/or shamelessly promote their agenda)
* upcoming events, submission deadlines, and all that business-jargon that comes with having a magazine all in one user-friendly place so you don't have to take too much time out of your daily coffee-and-craigslist-casual-encounters stalking festivities.
* posts about pretty things that we like, places we think you should go, and activities we think will make you a better person inside and out.

So, if you think you can handle this, bookmark us and check back religiously. I mean it. RELIGIOUSLY.


paper + wire magazine

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